Lauren INDOVINA '01,董事

Lauren INDOVINA ’01 is an Emmy Award-winning 导演 and Visual Artist based in Los Angeles. She is best known for her ethereal visuals and multifaceted approach to 艺术, 设计, 电影技术, 和品牌. With a background in fine 艺术 and fifteen years in advertising, she has 创建d original 艺术 and directed for internationally acclaimed 设计, 动画, 视觉特效工作室, 和机构. Her work is included in the Museum of Modern Art’s permanent motion collection, her sculptures have been exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, 她曾执导过超级碗的广告, 她的作品在罗迪欧大道展出, 在无线电城音乐厅, 在时代广场. Most recently, Lauren earned credits as the concept 设计er for Beyoncé's film 黑棋为王 也是亚马逊的动画总监 乌有之乡 系列. She is currently directing and 设计ing scripts for animated feature content and developing 艺术ificial intelligence and virtual reality characters and narratives.

我六岁的时候,姨妈给了我一台微型电影摄影机. “I got this for Lauren because she’s going to be a director one day.“我是一个专横的小女孩. 我也很有艺术天分. 多年来,我不断完善这些特质. I learned to speak 艺术iculately about 艺术istic concepts and inspire others towards a common creative goal. I trained myself to 创建 with meaning and to make innovative 设计s, characters, and worlds. 

Becoming a director began at Ellis when I was in high school. I was dogged in my pursuit of the 艺术s and passionate about making seven-foot-tall ceramic puppets. My love for characters and sculpture led me to RISD where I majored in film and 动画. After graduating, I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in entertainment. Being a director for film and TV means that you are a visual storyteller. You are the person who gives a voice to a project and you bring it to life with 设计, 艺术, 和语言. 你的目标是领导一个由其他美工组成的团队, 生产商, and technicians to achieve a creative vision that celebrates a brand, 讲故事, 或两个. 

Is there a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career?
那些已经接近灾难边缘的项目, the ones which had an audience of people who had no faith in the vision of the work, 一切都出了问题,或者几乎无法交付, 几乎总是我最引以为傲的成就. 这是英雄追求不可能的旅程. We route for things we fear can fail and love the spirit of the fight.

为了追求伟大的事业, my goal as an 艺术ist and director is to always push the boundaries of a project by staring into the void, fearful at first until I can see a faint signal of potential success. When this happens, I grab it and wade more confidently toward the exciting target. Sometimes this means pushing the 设计 so it’s a little different, 或者融合通常不配对的技术. To guide my team off the beaten path to accomplish something we didn’t think was possible is the goal.   

Being a director for film and TV is like being the captain of a large pirate ship filled with cats during a hurricane in the pursuit of a magical unicorn. Everyone wants to go their own way at all times and the pressure is on the captain to organize chaos and make sure the ship doesn’t sink. 你必须保持头脑清醒, 保持专注, and conjure up a way to maintain a core sense of self-belief which is nearly impossible when no one is listening. But when the team sees the horizon and the goal is within reach, when we’ve passed the finish line and I can see there is a pride in the production, I can’t think of a more rewarding moment short of giving birth. 

发生在我身上最好的事就是被解雇了. 正如我的一个雇主告诉我的, “有一天你会成为一名伟大的导演, 但现在你是蜂巢里的一只野蜜蜂。”. 感觉被排挤是多么令人心碎, 不管你有多想崩溃, 失败常带来成功.

For Ellis students reading this: is there any wisdom you’d want to pass on to them? 你想让他们知道什么?
享受旅程. 试着在不受控制中找到平静. 更频繁地失败. 在失败的拐角处,有伟大的东西在等着你. 

内部力量. 我记得嘈杂的班会, 充满欢笑, 意见, 萨斯, 看到很多拳击手和滑梯运动员. 我们和老师很亲密,他们也和我们很亲密. 有恶作剧. 一切都是内部的玩笑. 每个人都出席了. I think this was so important for young women, to really feel free, and to laugh. 澳门新葡新京官方不挑剔的环境让我可以画画, 创建, 去做东西,而不在乎它们是否足够好. 我的家人说我非常多产, 但事实上,我从澳门新葡新京官方那里得到的信号是去探索, 玩, ,做, 所以我就继续前进. 在那个年龄, 你和自己有太多的内在冲突, 去一个支持性的, relaxed environment allowed us to really become ourselves and appreciate those around us. 

We often talk about girls developing their voice at Ellis, what does that mean to you? 你如何使用你的声音?
We were raised on “Rosie the Riveter” and “Esse Quam Videri” at Ellis. 我从未质疑过这种强有力的信息. 但当我进入职场后, 我经常发现自己处于冲突之中, fighting against sexism I thought women like Rosie had eradicated. 但随着时间的流逝,我意识到我错了. Ellis didn’t teach me that the world was ready for Rosie the Riveters. 澳门新葡新京官方告诉我,我是铆工罗茜. My role was to stand on the shoulders of giants and pave new ways for the generations of women after me. 

Can you recall an instance when you have been brave and bold in either your personal or professional life?
I was petrified everyone would find out I wasn’t good enough at 艺术. 我在害怕被拒绝的状态下拼命工作. 冒名顶替综合症是真的. We all have it and it’s probably a big p艺术 of why we’re driven to prove some elusive point that you deserve to be there. The sooner you realize that this is the human experience and not unique to you, the better you’ll be at what you do and the happier you’ll be with yourself. 

The most valuable lesson I learned from Ellis is to speak 艺术iculately and with conviction. I learned this by watching the teachers of Ellis speak with purpose and passion. 课程是动态的. They taught us to be critical thinkers and take pride in our ideas and respect our differences.


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